弗格三双赵继伟伤退 郭凯贡献 辽宁结束山东连胜之旅_cba直播
CBA defending champion Liaoning took on Shandong away on October 26th. Shandong, who won in overtime in the previous round against Shenzhen, was riding a three-game winning streak. However, Liaoning suffered their first defeat of the season against Shanxi.
Liaoning started the game strong with a 6-0 lead. Fogg and Gao Li had an intense battle on both ends of the court, while Guo Kai and JJ Hickson kept the firepower going. The first quarter ended with Shandong leading by 2 points. In the second quarter, Zhao Jiwei and Gao Shiyuan collided and got injured, causing Liaoning's offense to stall. Guo Kai took charge in the paint, scoring 11 points in a single quarter. However, Liaoning made a comeback towards the end of the second quarter to narrow the gap. At halftime, the score was tied at 60. After a short break, both teams came back with renewed energy. Liaoning combined their inside and outside scoring and went on an 8-0 run to take the lead. Fogg led the charge in the final minutes, extending the lead for Liaoning. At the end of the third quarter, Liaoning was leading by 10 points. In the final quarter, Shandong's offense continued to struggle while Fu Hao had a remarkable quarter, scoring 16 points. Liaoning maintained their momentum and widened the gap. The game was no longer in suspense, and Liaoning ended Shandong's three-game winning streak with a final score of 116-102.
Player Stats:
Liaoning (6-1): Fogg - 35 points, 8 rebounds, 10 assists, 3 steals; Fu Hao - 21 points, 10 rebounds; Yu Zechen - 11 points, 3 rebounds, 2 assists; A'quiel - 11 points, 6 rebounds, 2 assists; Li Xiaoxu - 10 points, 6 rebounds; Han Dejun - 7 points, 6 rebounds; Shaoyik - 8 points, 3 assists; Zhao Jiwei - 3 points, 4 assists; Wang Lanqin - 5 points, 4 rebounds, 5 assists.
Shandong (4-3): Gai Li - 27 points, 9 rebounds, 7 assists; Guo Kai - 18 points, 6 rebounds; Wendell McKines - 16 points, 8 assists; Gao Shiyuan - 11 points, 5 rebounds, 4 assists; Chen Peidong - 9 points, 3 rebounds; Chris Johnson - 10 points, 7 rebounds, 2 steals; Tao Hanlin - 8 points.
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